Business plan competition at KIU Business Incubation Centre

HomeBusiness plan competition at KIU Business Incubation Centre

Karakoram International university has always been on the forefront to establish a vibrant entrepreneurial eco-system in Gilgit Baltistan. Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work. If successful, their ventures can improve our standards of living. Entrepreneurship is a key source of economic revolution, job creation, and business development; hence, it is pivotal to attract the young and educated to become entrepreneurs.  To this aim in mind, KIU-BIC organized another business plan competition this year on 28 June 2021. The purpose of this event was to select top five business ideas to be sent to Islamabad and Karachi for attending a National Business Plan Competition organized by Iqra University, Islamabad.  

  1. Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah   Vice Chancellor, KIU
  2. Dr. Mehfooz Ullah Dar     Faculty, Dept. of Business Mgt. KIU
  3. Mr. Usman Gandapoor   Programme Manager, GBRSP
  1. SheDev
  2. Yaseen organic food
  4. Sehat Calls
  5. Ideo Mitrix

These five Start-ups will be fully sponsored (Travel, boarding, lodging and registration fee etc.) by Karakoram International University from BIC grant issued HEC for similar purposes. In the end, Vice Chancellor distributed certificates of appreciations among the volunteer students of KIU. In concluding remarks, Dr. Ifzal Ahmad, Director ORIC thanked all the Judges, relevant officers of KIU, volunteers and participants for their active role in making this competition a success